Frequent Questions


Frequently Asked Questions

Our accreditation sets institutions apart by providing globally recognized standards, cutting-edge resources, and a network of excellence. It’s a mark of commitment to shaping agile minds and fostering educational distinction.

Verification is simple! Head to our “Verification” page, enter the unique certification or accreditation code, and gain instant access to confirm the individual’s achievement or the institution’s standing with ISFMC.

We welcome collaborations! To explore partnership opportunities, visit our “Contact us” page and fill out the form.

Join us in advancing mental mastery on a global scale.

Prerequisites vary by program. While some have basic requirements, many are open to individuals of all backgrounds and levels. Check the specific program details on our website for accurate information on prerequisites.

certifications are non-transferable. Each certification is uniquely tied to the individual or institution that earned it. Verification processes are in place to ensure the authenticity of each certification.